

The pydantic_extra_types.phone_numbers module provides the PhoneNumber data type.

This class depends on the [phonenumbers] package, which is a Python port of Google's [libphonenumber].


Bases: str

A wrapper around phonenumbers package, which is a Python port of Google's libphonenumber.

supported_regions class-attribute instance-attribute

supported_regions: list[str] = []

The supported regions. If empty, all regions are supported.

default_region_code class-attribute

default_region_code: str | None = None

The default region code to use when parsing phone numbers without an international prefix.

phone_format class-attribute instance-attribute

phone_format: str = 'RFC3966'

The format of the phone number.

PhoneNumberValidator dataclass

    default_region: str | None = None,
    number_format: str = "RFC3966",
    supported_regions: Sequence[str] | None = None,

A pydantic before validator for phone numbers using the phonenumbers package, a Python port of Google's libphonenumber.

Intended to be used to create custom pydantic data types using the typing.Annotated type construct.


Name Type Description Default
default_region str | None

The default region code to use when parsing phone numbers without an international prefix. If None (default), the region must be supplied in the phone number as an international prefix.

number_format str

The format of the phone number to return. See phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat for valid values.

supported_regions list[str]

The supported regions. If empty, all regions are supported (default).



Type Description

The formatted phone number.


MyNumberType = Annotated[ Union[str, phonenumbers.PhoneNumber], PhoneNumberValidator() ] USNumberType = Annotated[ Union[str, phonenumbers.PhoneNumber], PhoneNumberValidator(supported_regions=['US'], default_region='US') ]

class SomeModel(BaseModel): phone_number: MyNumberType us_number: USNumberType
